February 22, 2022
SSASD Student Registration Community Web Portal hyperlink to Kindergarten Registration for the 2022-2023 school year.

January 7, 2022
At this time, the South Side Area School District would like to connect with our parents/guardians through a mid-year checkpoint to gather information as we continue to review and...
December 20, 2021
We’re thrilled to announce South Side Area School District’s new app! It’s everything South Side, in your pocket. With the new app, you can access sports scores, cafeteria menu...

October 15, 2021
SSHS takes yearbooks to the community tent at the Hookstown Fair every year. Over the years we have lost a few... If you have any old SSHS yearbooks lying around you no longer ne...

September 22, 2021
IMPORTANT CHILD NUTRITION UPDATE Food shortages are nationwide, and our district is also experiencing unavailable items.
Disruptions are due to lack of availability of ra...

August 9, 2021
Please be advised that the starting and dismissal times for this school year have been updated.
Middle and high school students will begin school at 7:50 a.m. Student dismissa...

January 6, 2020
Welcome to South Side Area School District! We're so glad that you've decided to join us this year.
South Side Area School District offers students a traditional comprehensi...