The South Side Area School District Parent Teacher Organization is a dedicated organization that works closely with the elementary, middle and high schools to enhance opportunities for all students. Monthly meetings take place in the Elementary Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Board Members:
President: Lisa Lytle (740) 632-3393
Vice President: Lorraine Grmusa (412) 512-0852
Treasurer: Sarah Milhalic (412) 977-2327
Secretaries: Dawn Webster (724) 263-8453 and Julie Winterrowd (412) 496-5314
Fundraising Chairs: Sherri Jellison (412) 480-9320 and Valarie Bass (724) 777-5667
Middle School Liaisons: Sherri Jellison and Kristie Betke (724) 650-2926
Volunteer Coordinator: Paige Decenzo (724) 561-6212
Event Coordinator: Michelle Yimin (412) 996-4152
PTO E-Mail: Ptok12paus@outlook.com